Destiny 2 — We Describe all the steps to the exotic handgun Lumina
The Lumina Hand Cannon is your fifth exotic handgun. But unlike any other four, Lumina is about healing than injury. Below is a step-by-step guide to the exotic quest.
Lumina – That’s how you get the Exotic Handgun
Step 1 – A Fateful Gift
First you have to start the quest, you go to EDZ, where the quest for the thorn has started. Visit the EDZ to the salt mines north of the Trostland. There you will find a teleporter, which brings you to a cliff. Did you teleport follow the way up, always keep left. You will then see to your right a sort of portal, at this point you will go left along the ledge, continuing on to the box where a letter is waiting for you A Fateful Gift.
In order to explain the way optimally follows now a video for the first step of the Lumina Quest.
Step 2 – Shaft 13
After receiving Shin’s letter, you’ll need to use your calibration device to find a chest in a lost sector. Read your quest text and find the lost sector in question. You are looking for a decorated chest of roses.
The quest should lead you to the Shaft 13 Lost Sector, in the European Death Zone – Lands in the Sludge to get to this sector.
Step 3 – Bearer of Evil Past
Now you have to create 250 Orbs of Light. This can be a big challenge. A good option is to use Master Weapons in Blind Well (Blind Well is also part of the next quest). Once you’ve earned all 250, you’ll receive Rose and three new quests.
Step 4 – Rose Handgun
You will now receive the Rose Handgun once you have created these 250 orbs. Now you have to do three different quest steps to unlock Roses perks:
- Band Together: Finish a Nightfall Strike with a score of 50,000 or higher. Curate your Nightfall card so you’re exactly 10 Power above the recommended level. Put on Match Game and Grounded to generate points faster.
- Defend the Light: Defeat several enemy fighters in a row without reloading your weapon.
Streak 100 – You will receive a bonus for how many enemies you killed before reloading after the first kill. - Face the Horde: Complete 35 points worth of Blind Well, Black Armory Forges, or Escalation Protocol.
We recommend running Heroic Blind Well to earn points as quickly as possible. You’ll get seven points for each full completion.
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