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Hero Wars – Best Teams List (September) Team Building Guide

Hero Wars - Best Teams List (September) Team Building Guide

In Hero Wars, your main goal is to assemble the best squad to defeat the most difficult stages and top players.

When it comes to assembling the ideal squad, the game’s more than 50 distinct characters might be intimidating.

In this article, we will provide tips to build an outstanding team in Hero Wars and samples of genuine top-tier teams created by game players.

When assembling your squad, aim for a balance of roles, including a mix of damage dealers, supports, and tanks.

Look for synergies and combinations amongst your team’s heroes to boost your team’s overall power and utility.

Finally, you want to choose powerful heroes that are guaranteed to fit a specific function effectively – further information on all of these elements, as well as examples of teams constructed by top players, are provided below.


Best teams for Campaign and Tower

We’ve gathered examples of genuine top-tier teams made by players to assist you in getting some ideas for your squad in Hero Wars.

If you like any of the teams shown below, you may construct it yourself and be confident that you have a great squad.

You may also change the elements in any of the teams listed below.

Here are the most significant Hero Wars PvE teams to utilize, particularly in the Campaign and Tower.

Regarding ability, the teams are not ranked in any particular order.

  • Martha
  • Cornelius
  • Orion
  • K’arkh
  • Cleaver


This is a strong, well-balanced squad with tackiness, damage, and support.

With this team’s capacity to hold its position against formidable opponents, you can perform well in the Campaign and Tower.


  • Lars
  • Sebastian
  • Celeste
  • Krista
  • Aurora

This squad features the Lars and Krista combo, an excellent late-game DPS combo.

You have lots of support and frontline defense to aid the nucleus of this team, Lars and Krista.

  • Martha
  • Celeste
  • Qing Mao
  • Yasmine
  • Astaroth

A combination of strong supporter heroes with tonnes of healing and boosting, as well as fierce assault heroes.

With this squad, you receive both massive damage and incredible endurance.

  • Nebula
  • Qing Mao
  • Yasmine
  • Rufus
  • Corvus

This configuration provides a combination of significant damage and high tackiness.

You have Nebula on the backline to assist, buff, and heal these powerful heroes.

  • Martha
  • Jhu
  • Jorgen
  • Orion
  • Astaroth

A capable team with a well-balanced combination of damage, healing, crowd control, and tackiness.

This squad is challenging to handle because of the combination of Martha, Jorgen, and Astaroth, allowing Jhu and Orion to wreak havoc.


Best teams for Arena

In Hero Wars, you may battle other players in the Arena, which serves as the game’s PvP system.

Creating or optimizing a PvP squad is an excellent idea if you want to climb the Arena rankings.

Here are the greatest Hero Wars Arena PvP teams to utilize.

Regarding ability, the teams are not ranked in any particular order.

Team 1

  • Astaroth
  • Yasmine
  • Keira
  • Celeste
  • Martha

With this squad, you get a lot of control and healing, aiding your two primary damage dealers, Yasmine and Keira.

The heroes on this squad provide both significant damage and high defensive attributes.

Team 2

  • Martha
  • Lars
  • Jorgen
  • Krista
  • Astaroth

The Lars and Krista combo makes this Arena squad a potent blend of damage and sustainability.

With Martha, Astaroth, and Jorgen, you have a lot of healing, shielding, and opponent energy reduction, making your squad challenging to take down.

Team 3


  • Jet
  • Sebastian
  • Keira
  • Andvari
  • Corvus

This is a unique Arena squad comprised of three support heroes.

All of the support, control, and healing make the team’s tank, Corvus, much stronger and more challenging to take down, while Keira can deal damage.

Team 4


  • Faceless
  • Jorgen
  • Morrigan
  • Keira
  • Andvari

We have another team with a lot of support and control here.


The Arena benefits from this team’s utility and control and Jorgen’s energy stealing.

Team 5


  • Jet
  • Sebastian
  • Keira
  • Qing Mao
  • Galahad

A well-rounded, powerful Arena squad comprised two supports, two attackers, and a team.

Given its balance, this squad performs admirably in various scenarios.


Balance of roles

There are seven different hero roles in Hero Wars, with each hero taking on one of two of them.

Instead, players typically discuss three overarching hero roles: tanks, damage dealers, and supports, with each of the seven positions belonging to one or two of the overall roles.

You keep the three overall responsibilities in mind to balance your team while establishing your group.

Failure to do so will result in your team having too much or too little of a specific component, such as support or damage.

According to most people, an excellent squad comprises three damage dealers, one tank, and one support.

With this mix of roles, you guarantee that your squad has adequate damage to take out adversaries while still being able to withstand hard-hitting talents and constant wear from a tank and a supporting hero.

Because of the considerable improvement in your team’s survivability, most players opt to bring a hero with the ability to heal as their support.


Synergies and combos


Synergy is another thing to consider when deciding which heroes to invite to your squad.

How each hero interacts with and boosts the other characters on your team may be a game changer in combat.

For example, bring a hero who increases your team’s magical damage. You’ll receive considerably greater overall damage output than if you carry only magic damage dealing heroes, and vice versa for physical damage.

Furthermore, focusing solely on magical or physical damage helps maximize your team’s damage output because most heroes have talents that assist other heroes using the same attack.

As a result, selecting either magical or physical damage for your squad will assure a higher level of synergy than combining the two.


You should, however, continue hunting for specific boosts and talents appropriate for the squad you are assembling.

Because of skill combos, certain characters in Hero Wars pair up exceptionally effectively with other heroes.

Specific talents in the game, such as Lars and Krista with Mark of Water, require certain conditions to do more damage or apply different effects.


Lars delivers 40% more damage and applies 20% longer stuns to foes with the Mark of Water, which he may use on himself.

Krista can do it as well and more quickly than Lars.

As a result, when Krista is present on the squad, Lars becomes far more substantial.

Other strong hero pairings include K’arkh and Kai and Cleaver and Peppy.

Consider introducing a powerful combination to your squad to boost your chances of defeating tough teams.


Even though many heroes in Hero Wars might be valuable on a squad, heroes are just superior at fitting a particular position.

As a result, we propose that you consider each hero’s potential and power while picking who to recruit to your squad.

We’ve discovered that the heroes listed below work well on practically any team, so consider employing them if you can get your hands on them.

Heroes for your team

Even though many heroes in Hero Wars might be valuable on a squad, heroes are just superior at fitting a particular position.

As a result, we propose that you consider each hero’s potential and power while picking who to recruit to your squad.

  • Astaroth
  • Martha
  • Krista
  • Cleaver
  • Lars
  • Jorgen


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