Call of Duty Black Ops 4: The 10 deadliest weapons

In Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 there are a some weapons that kill your opponents very quickly. We’ve listed the weapons with the best time to kill (TTK) here for you.

The weapons with the best TTK? TTK stands for “Time to Kill”, the time it takes the weapon to kill a completely healthy enemy. The lower the TTK, the more deadly the weapon.

What are the average values for the TTK? So that you can better assess how good the hums presented here are in the TTK, here are some guideline values for the average TTK at short range. Ideal if you want to level quickly in the multiplayer mode of Black Ops 4.

  • Assault rifles: TTK of 0.356 seconds
  • Submachine guns: TTK of 0.377 seconds
  • Light machine guns: TTK of 0.360 seconds


The 10 deadliest weapons in Black Ops 4

  1. Mozu: This pistol can kill instantly with the Operator-Mod as well as large caliber and a headshot and has a TTK of 0 seconds. Otherwise, with 0.150 seconds, she is still a very fast weapon.
  2. AUGR: The tactical rifle becomes a killer with the Mod operator and the two large-caliber upgrades. It creates kills in just 0.100 seconds!
  3. VKM: If you use both large-caliber mods and rapid-fire on this weapon, you’ll get a massive .150 seconds!
  4. VAPR: Together with big caliber and rapid fire, it creates this whimper for a fabulous 0.171 seconds to TTK. This kills the VAPR opponents almost twice as fast as most other hoaxes.
  5. Spitfire: This SMG comes without mod on 0.255 seconds to TTK. It becomes even more deadly with the Operator-Mod and creates the kill in 0.199 seconds!
  6. Swordfish: Without the Operator mod, this weapon is not very good, as you need 5 hits, but only get 4 per burst. With the mod your burst is increased to 5 and that’s just enough for an instant kill when you hit all the balls. This ensures a TTK of 0.200 seconds!
  7. Rampart: The assault rifle comes with a massive caliber mod and at least one headshot to a proud .323 seconds on TTK. A neat improvement to the average of assault rifles.
  8. MX-9: This large-caliber submachine gun with 2 headshots creates a TTK of .249 seconds
  9. Titan: If you make 3 headshots, you have a TTK of 0.250 seconds
  10. ICR: If you make at least one headshot below 50 yards, you have a TTK of 0.300 seconds.


More Guides and News about COD BO4 you will find on our overview page.

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