This LEGO Set From Sonic The Hedgehog Is A Valentine's Day Gift To The SEGA Mascot

This LEGO Set From Sonic The Hedgehog Is A Valentine’s Day Gift To The SEGA Mascot

This LEGO Set From Sonic The Hedgehog Is A Valentine's Day Gift To The SEGA Mascot

This LEGO Set From Sonic The Hedgehog Is A Valentine’s Day Gift To The SEGA Mascot

We were astonished to see the fan-created prototype that was being used for a LEGO Ideas set. It was based on SEGA’s Sonic the Hedgehog. The huge Robotnik mech, inspired by Sonic 2, Heavy Magician and cute-as-a-button Moto Bug, all looked as fresh today as they did in 1991’s original. It looked incredible, even though it was a fan-made set by one Viv Grannell. The official LEGO release, which is based on Grannell’s original design, seems a little disappointing, at least from a practical standpoint.

Below is the Designer Video.

However, this doesn’t mean that the 1,125-piece set is disappointing. The set is great all together with Robotnik riding in his egg mobile as the boss of the first Mega Drive game. There’s also a strict focus on the Mega Drive Sonic the Hedgehog and not later games that include a Crabmeat or Moto Bug. It’s all great, from the environment to the checkpoint marker, bridge, checkpoint marker, and power-ups. The process isn’t so much fun.


The scenery’s chequerboard effect is created by a lot of single-piece flat plates. Because it is made of many different colours, you will need plenty of light to avoid accidentally using the wrong shade. The loop is embellished with stickers. While they are labour-saving, it can be difficult to align the pattern with the correct blocks. The swappable screens are great because you still have some pieces left to use after you’re done building the TV-like items boxes. The set doesn’t have a tidy storage solution so it goes back in the box.

This set includes some interactive elements. The rings, which are vertically arranged, are located above a flip-operated spring, which will launch Sonic Minifigure into high air. kinda The checkpoint marker, which was called a lamppost in the original game, can be rotated to show blue or red. This indicates that Sonic has passed the mark. Robotnik – unfortunately, I lost a sticker during my build so mine does not have the usual buttons on the front. He can either sit in the Eggmobile which is on its own transparent stand, or he can stand on his own long-toed boots. Sonic can also be attached to a display stand that shows seven Chaos Emeralds. While there were only six in the original, there are seven in the 1992 sequel. This Sonic Minifigure is not the same as the LEGO Dimensions version. It has buckles on his feet, no green in the eyes and a rounder chest piece.

The set has a Lil Easter egg at the back. It displays high scores, names, and numbers. You can either work it out yourself or consult this website. This piece looks great as a display piece. It can be surrounded by other Sonic and SEGA paraphernalia or a larger LEGO collection or on its own. It’s priced at PS59.99 so it’s within the range of impulse purchases. This makes it a great gift idea and a great option for those who don’t want to spend too much. SEGA, LEGO lovers alike will enjoy seeing the different sections come together. However, they must be able to deal with the frustrations of so many small pieces that it forms the Green Hill Zone pattern. Although the build isn’t particularly pleasant, it’s not difficult to see the final product.

This set is filled with love. Grannell’s original idea has lost some of its vibrancy and spectacle. LEGO has made the final set more nostalgic than modern-era revivalism. However, the mechanical critters are charming depictions of their onscreen pixel models. The Robotnik is full of personality despite the lack of articulation (and stickers). This crossover is clearly more than a quick cash-in venture, and that should be celebrated. While it lacks the same level of detail as the LEGO Ideas set for Winnie the Pooh’s, it still captures the essence of SEGA’s 16-bit icon. How about a Marble Zone expansion?

This LEGO Set From Sonic The Hedgehog Is A Valentine’s Day Gift To The SEGA Mascot
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