PSA: Twitch Drops Offers High-Level No Man’s Sky Ships and More

PSA: Twitch Drops Offers High-Level No Man's Sky Ships and More

PSA: Twitch Drops Offers High-Level No Man’s Sky Ships and More

It seems like a great deal to watch Twitch for high-level No Man’s Skyships. They are cheaper than buying them yourself. These things can get costly, and even finding the right one can be difficult. For a short time, I recommend viewing an NMS stream. Not only can you get one A-Class starship but nearly half a dozen. You can also get a better Multitool and cosmetics! This is all to honor the Endurance update launched earlier in the week.

Sign up for the NMS Twitch Campaign here. Logging in to the No Man’s Sky official website will only require you to have a Twitch account. Most likely, you already have one. If not, visit the streaming juggernaut to sign up.

After that, don’t forget about linking your preferred platform! Next, you will need to select “Connect PlayStation,” “Connect Steam,” or “Connect Xbox.” It all depends on the platform. Steam Guard players: Don’t forget your phone! It’s going to be necessary to log in.


Below it is an orange-white “Watch Now” button. This will take you to a Twitch page that features NMS players. You can expect streamers to play the game for a while. Most streamers will indicate that Twitch drops have been enabled in their streams, either by using the “Drops Enabled” tag or both.

It’s not as consistent as it used to be, but there are still some reports that Muting Twitch streams will cause drops to stop. It would help if you made sure those videos were visible and turned on your screen. Etiquette suggests that you pay attention. But, if you don’t want them to be on, you can close your browser tab. This will turn off the audio but not alert Twitch that it’s not being paid attention. This method is still valid; we can confirm.

Then, choose a streamer you like, and then relax. This is a standard process for many people. For years, people have been offering in-game items via streaming services. It’s a great way to get Twitch players and gamers interested in the game. While I recently bought some Warframe goodies at TennoCon this past, I still have a fondness for the Valorant code goldrush back in those days.

These NMS Twitch drops are not random, unlike the Valorant code. You can see your items and how close you stand to the rest. Check out the screenshot below to see for yourself!

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