Do You Need A How To Become A Pilot In Bitlife?

BitLife allows you to travel around different profession in the game, such as flattering the President or flattering a doctor. Another important job you can have is becoming a pilot, where you travel the world, taking people to other from abroad and foreign locations. It’s a highly regarded line of work to have, and obtain it takes a bit of time.

To turn into a pilot in BitLife, you need to focus on custody your smart stat as high as possible all through your early years. You can do this by spending time reading every year, study hard in school, and keeping to your studies as best you can. The higher your smart skill, the higher odds you have to your submission accepted to university, and future positions.

After you mark off from medical school, the next goal is to look for the Pilot Trainee job position in the careers section of BitLife. The career choice power not always be there, so you may have to cool down this page every few years in the pastime before you see it pop up. When you do, recognize it, and then work your way through the career path of working hard each year on the job and then request a promotion every three to five years.

You’ll spend the next few years in therapeutic school, continuing the rinse and repeat process of studying hard, keeping your smart stats up, and staying out of trouble. If your nature finds themselves going to jail at all during this time, they could make it more difficult to continue your schooling.

When you’re ready to enter further education college, you need to choose between majoring in biology of psychology. One of these two choices works fine, and then while in college, you need to maintain doing the same thing you’ve been doing, such as studying hard for your classes and maintain your smarts stat. You’ll do this until you graduate, and then you want to apply for medical school, hence choosing biology or psychology vital to continue towards a pilot’s career.

You can add to your chances of advancing your career by have a good relationship with your superior. Mostly, it’s a patient game of working hard, custody your life balance, and ensure you don’t cause too much trouble with your co-workers.


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