Fans agree: Army Of Two needs a comeback.

Fans agree: Army Of Two needs a comeback.


Fans agree: Army Of Two needs a comeback.


Few things generate as much enthusiasm as a successful video game revival, which brings back beloved franchises that had long since been forgotten or disregarded by players. There’s simply nothing quite so fulfilling as seeing your favourite series get the recognition it deserved years after its initial appearance on shelves or screens.

Take Fable for instance. Aside from Fable Anniversary (a remastered version of Fable: The Lost Chapters), 2010 saw no main Fable game released – however now with Fable rebooted happening it remains one of the most intriguing titles out there – plus Richard Ayoade is back!


Gamers are constantly asking for revivals of old franchises; Reddit users have recently turned their gaze towards Army of Two, an EA third-person shooter series featuring co-op gameplay that encouraged two people to work together towards common goals (hence its name). Though enjoyable games like Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel were released as recently as 2013, fans have since had nothing new from either its creators or publisher: EA since 2013. Now people want either remastered versions or an overall reboot to bring it all back.

“[Army of Two] came within an inch of greatness; however, I fondly recall my 12-year-old brain remembering playing it,” Jakeball400 stated. Jag146 shared their enthusiasm by suggesting reboots that kept its core experience of two players against one world with teamwork and battle back and forth as key aspects, like Devil’s Cartel being one such franchise they wished had continued into modern era gaming (Kane & Lynch being another), like Devil’s Cartel or When Rob LoweRobsLoweRobsLoweRobsLoweRobsLoweRobsLoweRobsLoweRobsLoweRobsLoweRobsLoweRobsLoweRobsLoweRobsLoweRobsLowes

As it currently stands, no indication exists of an Army of Two revival. Yet who knows, maybe one day it could happen! Don’t give up hope just yet.

Fans agree: Army Of Two needs a comeback.
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