Paint The Town Red for Android & IOS Free Download
APK Game

Paint The Town Red for Android & IOS Free Download


Paint The Town Red for Android & IOS Free Download


The movie Action Paint the Town Redis is about an ex-boxer, who became involved in the criminal underworld due to his problems. This choice will not get him very far as the brothers who replace him are soon to arrive.

It is about a former athlete, who was quite successful, but now has to part with his money as quickly as possible. Otherwise, he could lose everything, even his own life. Only one option is left for the main character: join a local crime gang, which not only deals in robberies but also murders. After completing the first task, it is clear that the criminals are trying to set up the character and make him a maniac. The hero, not wanting to humiliate himself, decides to punish the criminals in the most complex ways.


The project looks very much like Minecraft because everything is in large pixels. Children should not sit in front of a monitor because the action contains a lot of violence and bloodshed. The best way to enjoy the action is by going into combat in the cold. There are many more sights. You can use a cue to pierce an enemy, or a knife and cleaver combination to completely cut off their arm or head. The only thing you need to worry about is the chair.



Paint The Town Red for Android & IOS Free Download




Paint The Town Red for Android & IOS Free Download
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