Rumor: Pokemon Sword and Shield is Causing Consoles to Break


There are a ton of genuine motivations to detest Pokemon Sword and Shield. Given how a lot of cash it might make the organization and the significance of the title itself, pretty much every sign focuses to the title being surged out to comply with time constraints and additionally it drifting on the establishments name by excluding various Pokemon. Be that as it may, it has hit where pretty much every issue, both phony and possibly genuine, are accused on the two games.

At dispatch there were reports of Pokemon Sword and Shield compelling players to arrange their memory card. This issue had various fingers pointing a wide assortment of bearings from the games to an issue with modded comforts, to something identified with the exFAT document position. At that point there were a horde of audit bombings for a wide range of issues, inadequacies and more that take the authentic issues to the following level. Fortunately, presently it appears the title is being related with annihilating frameworks.

One user reported getting a blue screen after playing and since then a Pastebin was created to document this and other errors. Since then some people have tried to figure out why this is happening, suggesting Pokemon is using the NAND as virtual memory and eventually this will cause the device to crash. While scary if true, SciresM, the person who managed to hack those games to get Omastar, suggests this makes no sense.


There are like a million reasons why this is stupid, but I guess the most obvious one is that the kind og access to the NAND that post is talking about would require significant privileges. Sword/Shield are games, and have pretty much no interesting OS-level privileges. If they try to reach out to access the console’s NAND, the FS system module will reject them with “Permission Denied.”


While it’s still possible there is something else going on, for now it seems like this is just another rumor that might simply be the result of Pokemon being a bit more demanding of a game.

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