Special Editions of Forza Horizon 4 Will Probably come with DLC cars. There’s also Carpass, getting you the great DLC cars planned for the sport. Keep reading to find out how to get these in-game.
To get the listing of DLC cars you first need to head to the main Horizon Festival site or your home.
If you haven’t bought a home then you just need to drive up by discovering it and purchase it using Cr, the in-game money.
Visiting the aforementioned sites will allow you to view the DLC cars you can get. Most of these will be free but some will cost Cr. Usually the more expensive the car is the more Cr it’ll cost but it depends from car to car.
Forza Horizon 4 is out now on Xbox One and PC.
What car are you going to unlock first? Let us know in the comments.