Mortal Kombat creator wants the rock to play series' main baddie

Mortal Kombat creator wants the rock to play series’ main baddie

Mortal Kombat creator wants the rock to play series' main baddie

Mortal Kombat creator wants the Rock to play series’ main baddie

So Mortal Kombat (211) was a movie? It’s hard to believe that I have ever heard anyone share the same opinion on it. Or maybe not. It’s up to you to interpret.

Although a sequel has not been officially announced, Ed Boon (creative director at NetherRealm Studios and co-creator of the Mortal Kombat series) has already suggested a fantastic casting idea that would, regardless of its actual quality, improve the movie tenfold.

Dwayne Johnson, a Men’s Journal interviewer, revealed that he would star in a new video game movie. One of my favourite, most feared games will be brought to the screen. He said that he was excited to share the game with fans all over the globe.


As you would expect, speculation started quickly, and it grew fast. But no suggestion was more potent than the one made by Mortal Kombat creator: “He’d be a great Shao Kan,” he tweeted. It’s short and sweet, but it is a sentence I believe we can all agree on.

Shao Kahn was the antagonist in the series. He didn’t even get a mention in 2021’s movie. His appearance was limited to a mural and a statue. So you might expect that there will be a sequel. The Rock is a better choice than any other castiRockBoon was not involved in Mortal Kombat (211). It’s therefore unlikely that he would have any influence on casting decisions for a sequel. But we’ll have to wait and see. The Rock will appear in a “badass” movie, aRock video games. We don’t know yet. Animal Crossing is an obvious choice.

Mortal Kombat creator wants the rock to play series’ main baddie
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