Cyberpunk 2077: CyberAI introduces an incredible wealth of new quests and content.

Cyberpunk 2077: CyberAI introduces an incredible wealth of new quests and content.


Cyberpunk 2077: CyberAI introduces an incredible wealth of new quests and content.


Cyberpunk fans rejoice! A mod allows Cyberpunk AI characters to customize their dialogue selection using ChatGPT; truly immersing us into 2077 now!

Recently we reported on a mod for Bethesda’s The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim that allowed users to interact with AI characters through ChatGPT technology, providing real back and forth conversations using microphones – showing just how effective artificial intelligence-powered gaming tech could be.


Now, this same technology is being integrated into CD Projekt Red’s futuristic RPG game Cyberpunk 2077 to bring many exciting quests and content updates.

CyberAI mod is an extension for Cyberpunk 2077 that connects it to OpenAI ChatGPT, allowing players to generate procedurally generated dialogue, missions and much more without technical restrictions or limitations.

CyberAI is currently available on NexusMods, and once creators get familiar with it, almost anything could become possible: new scripts could be implemented into games to create virtually endless quests; NPC behaviors could be changed and much, much more!

Cyberpunk’s world is all about pushing technological limits, so this feature would fit right in with its theme of exploring them further. Though, unfortunately it could become the catalyst of an AI takeover; at least we would get some entertaining sidequests out of it!

Cyberpunk 2077 has made great progress towards redemption since its chaotic launch, which both developers and fans feel was unfairly judged. Now big changes are on their way with Phantom Pain DLC expansion adding features fans have requested since launch day as well as offering up an engaging narrative thread that fans will relish exploring further.

After providing excellent post-launch support, the game managed to secure positive reviews on Steam two years after release.

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty will launch later this year for Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5 and PC only.

Cyberpunk 2077: CyberAI introduces an incredible wealth of new quests and content.
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