Fallout 4 gets massive free update bringing game up-to-date.
Fallout 4 recently received an extensive update that addresses all its bugs while updating gameplay for an enhanced modern feel.
Bethesda has been quiet about any future plans regarding Fallout 5, as its release will occur following The Elder Scrolls VI, while reports about Fallout New Vegas getting either remastered or sequel seem too promising to be believed. Meanwhile, fans can play past titles in this series such as New Vegas 3, Fallout 3 and of course Fallout 4.
Although Fallout 4 remains riddled with bugs that disrupt playthroughs even today, its success as one of the best-selling Fallout games of all-time cannot be denied. While likely overshadowed by Starfield later this year, fans continue to have great enjoyment playing and modding since its debut back in 2015.
After several DLC expansions were released for Fallout: New Vegas, Bethesda decided not to actively support or update it further beyond an optimisation update for Xbox Series X/S and PS5.
Modding community have not given up, recently unveiling what we consider to be an unparalleled Fallout 4 mod which eliminates most bugs and glitches while simultaneously enriching gameplay and meeting more modern standards.
Fixes and Technical Enhancements is an update combining over 220 bug-fixing and gameplay mods that alter items, enemies, NPCs, companions weapons VFX effects. Other improvements include enemy level scaling to ensure equal challenges across all areas of gameplay as well as increased movement speed boosting settlement enhancement.
TheSoundOfSnow, who headed up this combined mod project, stated its purpose was to introduce something which “fixes bugs, makes sense changes, and introduces subtle improvements for more enjoyable gameplay”.
Overall, this mod is an incredible enhancement of Fallout 4. Not only are less bugs and glitches impacting immersion and progress negatively affected, but its gameplay changes make Fallout 4 significantly more accessible by modern standards – whether this be your first or 100th playthrough!
Hopefull the changes made will impact Fallout 5, especially if Starfield and Elder Scrolls VI live up to their marketing.