Created by the same creative minds behind the Senran Kagura series, XSEED Games’ adrenaline-fueled jet racing game Kandagawa Jet Girls will start stateside for the PlayStation 4 and PC this summer.
The new hot game of the future, jet racing has taken the waterways of Tokyo by storm and overlooks host to skilled and daring young athletes (dubbed Jetters) and their jet machines. All these Jetters setup with a Shooter that is armed with water weapons having the capability to blast off the competition. To come out on top, these racers must wow audiences by building up their boost meter with aerial stunts, all while evading enemy attacks and dodging obstacles.
Players will be able to choose from the seven two-girl groups to race and will have the ability to find out more about these girls’ hopes and motivations as they progress. Players may also fine-tune their jet machine’s performance for additional power.
Kandagawa Jet Girls — Opening Movie
Senran Kagura’s Ryōbi and Ryōna are also a part of the localized base game as a unique gift to players. For those searching for more Senran Kagura women, Asuka and Yumi will appear later as superior DLC.