The sound barrier is broken

The sound barrier is broken with the newest bhop strata in CS2

The sound barrier is broken with the newest bhop strata in CS2


The newest CS2 restricted test criteria this has enabled players of all ages that has a competitive ranking to participate with the game prior to the official launch. The result is evidently the creation of new teams that are looking to disrupt and exploit the game’s rules in novel strategies to make themselves more competitive in the game. This is how we saw players smashing through the sound barrier using a brand new bhop technique on CS2.

We’d like that the speed monsters endure until the officially released version of CS2.

The bhop strategy that is new in CS2 lets players move extremely quick

Bunny-hopping (bhop) isn’t new, and it has been in use since the beginning of CS:GO. The only thing you need to do is make the perfect frame after you hit the ground. This helps keep the momentum from the leap going. It results in acceleration.

It’s not easy to master however, if you become skilled at it, you’ll have no restriction on how long you can enjoy the tiny speed boost you get.

There was only the possibility of getting an enormous speed boost right from the beginning of our journey, we could keep that speed instead …

The video below from ESL Counter-Strike’s Twitter account showcases players who use the jump boost feature to get an incredible amount of momentum. Then they bhop about Nuke in a way that they don’t have clip disabled.

It’s a stunning sight worth seeing, especially considering that the strategy is brand new. it would be awe-inspiring to watch the T with an AWP soaring through the air at a speed of Mach 1 just three seconds into the game. The ramifications this technique has for games are enormous.

It is likely that it will be patched as it could be seen as being an unfair advantage for those who don’t know how to apply it.

However, in the meantime it’s crucial to all of us take pleasure in this hilarious game since it is likely to go down in the Counter-Strike historical books as among the most entertaining experiences I’ve ever had.

The sound barrier is broken with the newest bhop strata in CS2
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