Steam offers two massive free downloads However, there’s no time to wait
Imagine playing popular video games for no additional charge… now would be your time! Take action quickly though as there’s only so long until they will all be claimed by others!
At this cost of living crisis stage in life, Christmas season offers us many freebies which not only save money but can provide hours of enjoyable distraction. Steam offers some wonderful multiplayer PC games which may just do the trick!
These games include GTFO which offers its chilling motto of “work together or die together”, as well as Chivalry 2, an eye-popping mediaeval title with brutal battle scenes that is also free for download and playback for three days from when this article was written. However, be quick if you wish to take advantage of either or both offers because this offer expires quickly!
10 Chambers is proud to publish GTFO: an immersive cooperative horror shooter which received “Very Positive” reviews on Steam. Stealth, strategy and teamwork will all play key roles as you try and survive your deadly underground prison together or perish together.”
Chivalry 2, developed and published by Torn Banner Studios and Tripwire Presents respectively, currently holds “Very Positive” reviews on Steam. According to its description: “Chivalry 2 is an action-packed first-person slasher inspired by epic medieval movie battles – from clashing swords, storms of flaming arrows, sprawling castle sieges and beyond! Players become immersed into every iconic moment from this golden era!”