Baldur’s Gate 3 users who fall prey to its latest bug could lose hours of progress they made while playing the game.
Losing progress in any game can be demoralising; losing it in Baldur’s Gate 3 can be particularly upsetting.
Current Xbox players are experiencing just this scenario. After experiencing difficulties with co-op elements of RPG games like Diablo 3, it has taken longer for some titles to make an appearance than expected; now there is a bug which deletes save files without warning; many are losing hours through no fault of their own!
Unfortunately, Baldur’s Gate 3 remains notoriously buggy despite winning multiple awards and garnering praise. Some bugs can be hilarious while others lead to players losing time playing this brilliant game. Larian Studios and Microsoft are working closely together in trying to alleviate some of these bugs; yet others could pose threats that pose significant threats for some gamers.
As tempting as it might be to rush back in immediately after hearing news that a bug had been resolved, taking an extended hiatus from playing may be best until we hear confirmation that all issues had been solved. After all, no one wants to waste over 100 hours in such an amazing game! Sure you should still continue enjoying playing regularly to discover new classes and possibilities… just not with such risk attached.
As an aside, this has long been an issue: I lost a Final Fantasy 7 50-hour save file due to memory card corruption years ago – an experience which will never again happen to me!
Hopes of getting this issue sorted soon are high as Larian Studios have shown themselves to act swiftly on bugs and glitches; their patches usually address them promptly to resolve any potential problems as quickly as possible.
If you insist on playing, and we understand, try keeping at least two copies of your save files as backup just in case something unexpected comes along and destroys one or both copies.