Modern Warfare Obsidian Camo Guide

Modern Warfare Obsidian Camo Guide

Modern Warfare Obsidian Camo Guide

Contained in this week’s large Call of Duty: Modern Warfare upgrade is a brand new camo challenge which should take completionists quite a while to finish. For those unaware, this can be the all-new Modern Warfare Obsidian camo. If you’re not sure how to get it, read on below for our quick and easy guide.

Modern Warfare Obsidian camo guide:

The first point to notice, players DO NOT NEED Damascus camo unlocked as a way to grind for Obsidian. You just need to acquire gold camo for that specific weapon, and you’re set to grind to the Obsidian challenges.

In terms of the Obsidian challenges, which have different goals for each weapon type, check it out below.

  • 15 kills in a game, 200x (Note: The RAM-7 challenge seems to be bugged because it only requires 15 kills in a match 150x).

Submachine guns (SMGs), and Lightmachine guns (LMGs):

  • 15 kills in a match, 125x


  • 15 kills in a match, 100x
  • 750 kills
  • 10 kills in a match, 125 occasions


  • 5 kills in a game, 150 occasions
  • Destroy 100 streaks or vehicles

Be aware that the kills required stack in one match, so in the event that you get 30 Assault Rifle kills in one match, that takes shaves off two from your 200-match requirement etc. Kills are counted in cubes, so if you get 29 kills in a game, that’s still only one block away from your 200 or even 150-match count.

  • Must-Read: Modern Warfare 1.20 Stealth Changes , Includes LMG Buffs & More

Doing the math, obtaining Obsidian will require tens of thousands of kills for each weapon, and remember: you already need gold camo unlocked until you can achieve this. So this is going to be a long grind for most players.

What are your thoughts on this camo? Did Infinity Ward make the grind a bit too much or just perfect? Let us all know down in the remarks.

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